ICOM-ICME Annual Conference 2011

Publié le par museum.migration.over-blog.com



2 - 5 October 2011

Bad StaffelsteinGermany | Banz Monastery


Dissolving boundariesMuseological approaches to nationalsocial and cultural issues, from the point of view ofethnographic museumsBordersboundariesexclusiondelimitation or the dissolution of boundaries as a result ofgeographicalpoliticalsocial and cultural parameters in long-term perspectives are not staticThey are linked to asteady influence of different forcesSuch processes take place quietly without conflict or they end in graduatedcollisions.

Borders, boundaries and dissolution are not limited to the grand level of nations or levels of policy planning systems.

They also concern the social and cultural constitution of formal and informal groupsTerms like “equal" and "different" are often determined by everyday life experiencesReligious and ethnic identity constructions as well ascomprehensive examples of migrationgender or age-specific distinctions present boundaries expressed byexclusions which need to be overcome.

The variety of borders and their delimitation contribute towards political andsocial life.


  • How do museum ethnographers document and present political and social processes of these types?
  • What is the role ofplace(in situ, museum, information center) and the role played by authentic objects, photographs, texts?
  • What is the response of male and female and other visitors?


Promoted by:
ICME (ICOM) in collaboration with the University of Bamberg/Department of European Ethnology

Publié dans Conference à venir

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