FMSH - Séminaire: Migrations des élites - Mercredi 04 février 2015 - 14h00

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Migrations des élites


Mercredi 04 février 2015 - 14h00


Lieu : Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Salle 318, Pôle Recherches thématiques

Type d'accès : Accès libre


Séminaire Migrations & Numérique autour du projet : KINETIC ÉLITES: The Mediatization of Social Belonging and Close Relationships among Mobile Class Fractions (The Swedish Research Council, 2012-2015)


Le projet sera presenté par le professeur André Jansson (coordonateur, Media and Communication Studies, Karlstad University, Suède), le Professeur Miyase Christens (Media and Communication Studies, Stockholm University), Karin Fast (Dr) et Jenny Jansdotter (doctorant).


The academic fascination with flows and networking that has long permeated globalization theory must be countered, and complemented, by a deeper scrutiny of the nature and enduring significance of phenomena such as strong ties, spatial attachments, love, intimacy, and other forms of socio-emotional commitments that saturate seemingly liquidized lifeworlds. Especially, the multiple significances of digital/networked media are to be further problematized from such a perspective. The aim of the project is to illuminate the role of media and ICTs for sustaining close relationships and a sense of social belonging under everyday conditions that involve high levels of mobility and potentially fractured ties with family and friends.

The focus of the study is on certain mobile élite groups within the fields of (1) corporate business, (2) international development, politics and diplomacy, and (3) academia. Within these social fields we study different types of household conditions, with a particular focus on mobile (transnational) families and return migrants, applying qualitative, phenomenologically oriented methods.

Taking the meta-processes of globalization and mediatization as the structural contexts of our project, the theoretical approach integrates four perspectives: (a) the mobilities paradigm; (b) global media studies; (c) social phenomenology, and (d) social field theory (Bourdieu). The project also aims to establish links with an international network of scholars within the field of global media and transnational mobility studies. 

Dans la deuxième partie du séminaire sont invité à débattre et à présenter leurs travaux : Jean Baptiste Meyer (Dir de recheche IRD - Cidesal), Eric Leclerc (Professeur Université de Rouen/Ediasporas  section indienne) et Elian Carsenat (

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